ASDFย Internationalย is Association of Scientists, Developers and Faculties

Association of Scientists, Developers and Faculties [ASDF] incepted in the year of 2010. ASDF unanimously aims the development and growth of Research and Development across various industries. In January 2020, the network of ASDF has grown globally catering for almost 927 Universities, 1829 Research Bodies and more than 4233 Industries.


Skill Development

ASDF steadily works widely on all the areas for achieving the target skills among the people to be deployed and not to be employed for the development.

Inspired Globally

ASDF has global connectivity to fetch people and share knowledge, and this is the significant advantage of being ASDFian. ASDF encourages research that creates a system.

Technology Ready

People need recognition about their professional body association, and ASDF provides them. ASDF creates a tagline for the people to add it out in their profile.

International Reach

ASDF encourages to share among a group of people of the same geographic and area of interest. Discussing the equal importance, people will also be competitively secure.

Global Members
Research & Industry Members
Academic Bodies
Countries Served

Students Benefits

Faculty Benefits

Developers Benefits

Scientists Benefits


Paper Submission Ends

2025/07/30 09:00:00


Paper Submission Ends

2025/06/16 23:57:57