International Congress 2020 is one of the most iconic events of the Association of Scientists, Developers and Faculties International. The 4th Edition of this event is scheduled to happen at Malaysia in December 2020. The committee is now inviting the nomination for Super Chair and Chair for each Congress.


Minimum Ph.D. in the specified area with 3 years of experience for Chairs and 10 years of experience for Super Chair in Academia or Industry.

How to Nomination:

Email the ASDF Committee UserName and 5 preferred Conference title to [email protected] on or before October 15, 2018. Write subject line as “International Congress 2020 – Nomination)”


As the conference is Not for Profit, there will be no direct financial benefits for the Chairs or Super Chairs. Listed are few of the benefits based on the Congress performance.

  • Round Trip Ticket for Congress having more than 50 papers.
  • 7 Days Accommodation for Congress which has more than 25 papers.
  • $50 registration discount (for chairs or chair co-authored papers) for Congress having more than 10 papers.
  • Chair the entire session / breakout for Congress having more than 5 papers.


As a Congress Chair, one needs to disseminate the Congress information to the potential authors, review the quality of the papers, provide the recommendation of Journals and ensure that the website is perfectly fine with all the necessary details.