Recently ASDF International President Dr. Anbuoli Parthasarathy and ASDF International Secretary Dr. Kokula Krishna Hari Kunasekaran visited the Embassy of People’s Republic of China in India on the occasion of courtesy visit. They had meetings with the Science Counselor and others at the embassy for building the relationship between ASDF and China in whole.
MOFCOM Scholarship is set up by Ministry of Commerce of People’s Republic of China to further strengthen the communication and cooperation between China and other countries as well as to develop talents for developing countries. Starting from 2015, MOFCOM Scholarship mainly sponsors the young and the middle-aged talents from recipient countries to pursue their postgraduate degree education in China and entrusts China Scholarship Council to administer the Scholarship.
Deadline : 15th June, 2015
For information click below and for queries, please write to [email protected] or the respective Regional Offices.
This programme has Full Tuition Fee Waiver along with the Stipend. It is a best opportunity.