The Association of Scientists, Developers and Faculties (ASDF) offers Travel Grants up to 90% for the ASDF Members for attending Research Conferences out of their Country. ASDF extends financial assistance to attend International events out of the presently residing country. This grant is aimed at promoting Research and Development in technical education by way of providing an opportunity to the meritorious members of ASDF to interact at the International level. Priority will be given for the Extended Member or Lifetime Member or Fellow Member of ASDF under any of the category. Chapter Members are requested to contact their corresponding chapter heads for this before filling the online form. Financial assistance would be extended only to those applicants who have not received grants towards travel expenditure (either whole or in part) during the last three years for attending any Conference/Seminar/Symposium held abroad. The assistance is in the form of Token Travel Grant to meet up to 90% of the travel expenses (Days of the conference – Two more days for Journey) on a reimbursement basis. The member is expected to travel by the shortest route under Economy class in any airline whichever is cheaper. The amount sanctioned by way of travel grant shall be reimbursed through crossed Digital Transfer on receipt of (prestamped receipt and certificate) bill, statement of expenditure along with the copies of Air Ticket, travel document, a brief report of the conference, other scientific and technical activities and other visits were undertaken during that period duly signed by the head of the applicant’s organization or institute.
Proposal Submission must be 4 months prior to the Conference or event. Acceptance Notification / further information can be shared after the initial screening of the application. At the end of the application, there is an Applicant Card Holder Verification which must be mandatorily passed for the successful submission of the Grant Application.